Why not pay for your groceries and gas using gift cards? It won’t cost you anything extra, and the school receives a percentage!
By buying gift cards through Fundscrip for everyday purchases from a wide array of retail categories such as groceries, gas, home improvement, department stores, restaurants, coffee shops, clothing stores, and many more, you will be helping us out. The gift cards themselves come from some of Canada’s largest retailers. They are sold at face value, but earn rebates ranging from 2%- 10% of the purchase price of the cards. A list of participating retailers and their rebate percentages is on the order form that accompanies this email.
You can now do all of your Fundscrip ordering online!
Create a login with Fundscrip that will allow you to place your order and benefit the school very easily each month—once you save your login on the site the first time, there is no need to remember your password– it’s super easy to login, click on “buy cards”, choose “view all” to see all the vendors, and purchase your cards. Then, there is only one more step—to send an e-Transfer to the finance office for the total amount of your order, with the password “shambhala”.
Here are specific instructions if it’s your first time ordering online:
- Go to: https://www.fundscrip.com/support-a-group
- Input group number/invitation code for Shambhala School: B4L32L
- Complete the details and hit enter. You will be sent a confirmation email to verify your account.
- Click on confirmation email. You will be directed through the remainder of the registration process. (note: You do not need to complete the survey to register)
- Select the cards you wish to order.
- Under the delivery method – select hold for pickup (Only option available)
- Under the payment method – select pay by cheque (only option available)
- Submit order.
- Pay for order by etransfer to [email protected] Password: shambhala
You can also pick up a paper order form at the office and pay with cash, cheque, or eTransfer! You can also print off and fill out the order form available at the following link: Fundscrip Order Form